Hidden Heroes of Easter
Week – Memoirs of Volunteers from England who joined the Easter Rising
By Robin Stocks
Review: by Derek Pattison
this day, the armed rebellion that took place during Easter Week of 1916 in
Dublin, known as the ‘Easter Rising’, remains controversial. Some see it as a
courageous and brave act that led to the birth of the Irish Republic, whereas,
others, see it as a reckless act of folly, an attempted revolt against Britain
while we were at war with Germany. British intelligence was certainly aware of
the planned rising and the armed shipments from Germany, which also went to the
Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), formed in 1913. Most of the people, who died
during the six days of the rebellion, which was supported by Germany, were Irish,
mostly civilians, and the poor of Dublin. And they died for a cause that they
hardly understood or supported. Moreover, many Irish people were aware in 1916
that Irish Home Rule was on the cards and that partition was inevitable. In
January 1913, the Third Reading of the Home Rule Bill had been carried in
Parliament and the Government of Ireland Act 1914, provide home rule for
to the author of this book, nearly a hundred Irish rebels travelled to Ireland
from cities in England and Scotland during the early months of 1916 to
participate in an armed uprising which they had heard about. Those from England
were frequently described as ‘London Irish’ despite being from other parts of
England, such as the city of Liverpool. Some of those who participated during
Easter Week also came from the Manchester area and Stockport and this book, is
largely about four of those Manchester volunteers. Only two of the volunteers were
born in Ireland. These are Liam Parr and Redmond Cox. Gilbert Lynch, was from
Reddish in Stockport and Larry Ryan, was born in Salford.
Parr had left Dublin about 1910 when he was 19-years-old and had settled in
West Didsbury, in South Manchester. He left Manchester in February 1916 to
travel to Dublin and undertook military and munitions training at Kimmage Mill,
Larkfield, Dublin. On Easter Monday 1916, Parr was in the Liberty Hall office,
the headquarters of the Irish Transport & General Workers Union (ITGWU) and
was one of the first to take over the GPO office on Sackville Street, on Monday
afternoon. After the surrender on Saturday afternoon, he was arrested and
returned to England where he was interned in a camp in Frongoch, Wales.
Cox was born in Boyle County, Roscommon, in 1893. As a 22-year-old, he’d been
living in Cheetham, Manchester, with his sister. He travelled to Dublin in
February 1916. Before surrendering, Cox had been in ‘Four Courts’ and he was
later arrested and returned to England. He was released from imprisonment after
a fortnight.
Lynch had been born in Reddish, Stockport, in 1892. A devout Catholic, he
joined the National League of Young Liberals in 1908 and was involved with the
Clarion in 1916. He claimed to have been a member of the Irish Republican
Brotherhood (Fenians) in 1913 and to have joined the Independent Labour Party
(ILP) in 1917. A member of Stockport Trades Council, he said that his political
outlook had been influenced by reading “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist.” A
gun-runner, Lynch arrived in Dublin the week before Easter with 500 rounds of
.303 ammunition and had been carrying small-arms. During Easter week he had
been based in Father Matthew Hall, which was being used as a first-aid station
and to detain prisoners and spies. Lynch escaped arrest because he had been in
hospital having “twisted his ankle getting over a barricade.” He later made his
way back to Stockport.
(Larry) Ryan was born in Salford in 1894. His mother lived in Seedley in
Salford. Unlike the others, it is not known when Ryan travelled to Dublin, but
he did train at Kimmage Mill and was one of the first, to take up a position in
the GPO building. After the surrender, Ryan was arrested and returned to
England. He was interned until Christmas in Frongoch camp in Wales.
Easter Monday 1916, the rebel’s had planned to occupy the General Post Office
building on Sackville Street, Dublin, and to use this building as their
headquarters. Many of the leaders including James Connolly, a socialist who had
been born in Cowgate, Edinburgh, mistakenly believed that the English imperialists
would not use artillery because they would not bomb their own property.
Therefore, they expected an infantry attack on the GPO building and posted
battalions in four main positions outside the city centre to command the routes
that British soldiers would take to attack the GPO. The rebel plan also
involved armed risings in the rest of the country. Bolands Bakery, the
Marrowbone Lane Distillery, the South Dublin Union Workhouse and the Jacobs
factory, were all sites of revolt. Some of the rebels did use Mauser rifles that
had been provided by the Germans and brought to Ireland by Erskine and Molly
Childers in their yacht ‘Asgard’ in July 1914. The Easter Rising lasted six
days before the rebels on the instructions of their leaders, surrendered on the
the third day of the rebellion, Patrick Pearse, a barrister, writer,
schoolteacher and nationalist mystic with a martyr complex, had told the rebels
in the GPO building that the country was steadily rising and that volunteers
were marching from Dundalk on Dublin and that reinforcements would arrive and
release them. “They were later told by a
visitor of the despondency in the city as well as the news that the country had
not risen.” Connolly was certainly aware, that after the surrender, all
those who had signed the proclamation of the Irish Republic, would be shot by
the British and that this was a cause he was happy to die for. He told others
that they were likely to be imprisoned and should keep quiet about what they
had done.
the surrender, many volunteers recalled the hostility and abuse they had
encountered from many Dubliners. Con Colbert, who was later shot in Kilmainham
Gaol, said after the surrender: “the
people who we have tried to emancipate have demonstrated nothing but hate and
contempt for us.”
Heroes of Easter Week is a book that is well worth reading. Robin Stocks has done a great deal research
on this book and many of the accounts given by the volunteers who took part
during Easter Week in Dublin are based on witness statements, interviews with
family members and research done in archives and libraries in England and
Ireland. Where I think this book is at its weakest, is in its lack of analysis of
the rising itself and what effect it had on Irish society.
book does not mention that 450 people were killed and 2,500 injured during the
rising and nine reported missing. Among the dead, were 117 soldiers, 41 of them
Irish, plus 16 armed and unarmed policeman, all Irish. Some 64 volunteers out
of a total of 1,500, who played some part in the rising, were also killed. However,
alongside 205 combatants who died, 245 wholly innocent civilians also died. The
dead were mostly Irish civilians and Dublin’s poor, who died for a cause they
barely understood or supported or were even hostile to. Some saw it as an
opportunity for looting. Many of the civilians were killed by British forces
using machine-gun fire, incendiary shells and artillery.
Robin Stocks makes clear, not all leading Republicans were in favour of the insurrection.
Bulmer Hobson, a leading Fenian, considered it a reckless adventure. Speaking
after the rising, Hobson said that towards the end of 1915, Connolly (who had
served in the British army in Ireland), had decided to have a “little
insurrection” with the citizen army.
“His conversation was full
of clichés derived from the earlier days of the socialist movement in Europe.
He told me that the working-class was always revolutionary, that Ireland was
powder magazine and that what was necessary was for someone to apply the match.
I replied that if he must talk in metaphors, Ireland was a wet bog and the
match would fall in the puddle.”
described Patrick Pearse as a “sentimental
egoist, full of curious Old Testament theories about being the scapegoat of the
people who had become convinced of the necessity for a periodic blood sacrifice
to keep the national spirit alive. There was a certain strain of abnormality in
all this.”
leading his men out of Liberty Hall, the headquarters of the Irish Transport
and General Workers Union (ITGWU), on Easter Monday, to start a rebellion, we
are told that Connolly had said ‘smilingly’: “Well girls, we start operations at noon today. This is the
proclamation of the republic.” What we are not told in this book, is that
on the way out of the building, Connolly halted at the bottom of the stairs to
speak with his friend and colleague William O’Brien. Connolly told him: “Bill, we are going out to be slaughtered.”
Is there any chance?” asked O’Brien. “None
whatsoever” said Connolly. He then marched his men out of the building
along with his fifteen year old son, Roderick (Roddy ) Connolly, who would
survive the rising.
fifteen of the rebel leaders were executed, many of those who took part in the
rising were treated with surprising leniency by the British authorities,
including the four Manchester volunteers. Some 3,430 men and 79 women were
arrested after the rising and 1,424 men and 73 women were subsequently
released. Of almost 2,000 men who were interned in England, over 1,200 were
quickly released and most of the others were home by Christmas 1916. All were
freed under a general amnesty in July 1917. Those who faced a court martial,
included 170 men and one woman, Constance Markievicz. Ninety death sentences
were passed and fifteen carried out. Those sentenced to life imprisonment, were
released within 18-months.
many Republican groups and trade unions in Ireland, have adopted James Connolly
as their patron saint or founding father. While it is true to say that the
execution of the rebel leaders produced sympathy for the cause and turned the
men into martyrs, Connolly’s influence was marginalised after the rising – all
of Connolly’s children took the anti-Treaty side. Ireland did not become the
workers socialist republic that Connolly had wished for. What emerged
triumphant from the Easter Rising was Irish Catholic Nationalism and it was Pearse’s
vision of Ireland, which was elevated. There was little support for Marxism in
Ireland before the rising and afterwards and many Sinn Fein and IRA members
were fiercely anti-Communist. Indeed, in the 1960s, communists were banned from
the Republican movement. Ireland under Eamonn de Valera’s, Fianna Fail, was
protectionist, isolationist, and obedient to the Catholic hierarchy. Divorce,
contraception and abortion, were all illegal. It was a world of secrecy and
obedience with its Magdalene laundries and the subordination of women. It
survived by exporting its young, mainly to Britain, where they could earn a
living. The Irish Catholic Church supported Franco during the Spanish Civil War
and some Irish Catholic’s, fought with the ‘Blueshirt’s on the nationalist side
under Eoin O’Duffy. Others supported the Republican side.
of the Manchester volunteers fought in the civil war which broke out in Ireland
in 1922 following the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty in December 1921, which
was supported by a majority of Irish people. It had been estimated that six
times more nationalists were killed in the war than had been killed by the
British forces between 1916-1922.
we now know that Admiralty SIGINT Unit, Room 40, had been intercepting
decrypted messages dealing with German support for the Irish nationalists between
the outbreak of WW1 and the eve of the Easter Rising in 1916. Under
interrogation at Scotland Yard, Sir Roger Casement, asked to be allowed to call
for the rising to be called off to avoid a blood bath, but this was refused.
Sir Reginald (Blinker) Hall is reputed to have told Casement – “It is better that a cankering sore like
this should be cut out.”